Frequently Asked Questions

Please use the FAQs to find answers to common issues or questions about KMD resources, services and access. Guidance on how to use the SC Knowledge Hub can be accessed HERE.

For reference or research queries, please contact Knowledge Resources Team via email at [email protected]

1. How many books can I borrow?

SC staff can check out a maximum of 10 titles.

2. How long can I borrow a book?

Borrowing privileges depend on user categories and item type.

Permanent Staff                       - Books (30 Days)

                                              - Periodicals & Annual Report (14 Days)

Temporary staff, Interns            - Books & Periodicals only (14 Days)

3. What is a Long Term Loan (LTL)?

SC staff are given the privilege of borrowing books for a six month-period especially for research purposes.

4. Where can I return the book(s)? 

Book(s) must be returned at the SC Knowledge Hub, Ground Floor *landmark - next to the ATM machine.

5. How do I renew the book(s)?

Book(s) can be renewed via SC Knowledge Hub portal up to 2 times. For the third renewal you need to bring the book(s) to KMD office for manual renewal by our staff.

6. Where can I check my borrowing details?

You may check your borrowing details online at SC Knowledge Hub portal. Just key in your staff ID and password in the Login tab.

7. What is an Inter Library Loan (ILL) service?

When the SC Knowledge Hub does not hold the book(s) that you need, we will endeavour to obtain the item(s) from another library.